About Me

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Attended Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas,Texas specializing in Children's Ministry. Moved to Iloilo City, Philippines in 2003 to serve with Camp Sonshine Philippines.Remained in the Philippines serving with Calvary International and the Sonshine Center in Iloilo City. Returned to Texas in Dec. 2007. Short term trip to Cape Town last July and now I am getting prepare to go and stay there for a year working with the Themabalitsha Foundation along with Go To Nations(formerly Calvary Internationl)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More precious than words...

A friend told me about a conversation that he had with his four year old son. The son asked if 'Ms. Angie' needed money to go to Africa. After answering,'Of course she does. We use the money God gives us to do his work." The reply of the son is so precious to me. HE said well I have lots of money. He grabbed his piggy bank and wanted to give all his money to go to Africa! What an amazing little guy he is already. The hearts of the little ones are sometimes more in tune with the Lord than us adults. Thank you to my dear sweet friend,Jude, for already staking a claim to the nations,even before he can go see it for himself.

Friday, May 7, 2010


It is a bittersweet time for me right now. As the anticipation of what the Lord is going to do through the South Africa Team grows...I am able to squeeze as much time as I can into seeing family and dear friends. And still trying to figure out how to pack for a year. Being the fact that I have only been in Cape Town for 10 days last year..and it was winter...Praise God for amazing mothers and sisters who can help me figure it out.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Thanks to all of my family and friends who totally set me up for an amazing surprise party this past Friday night! I felt so much love and support it was overwhelming! The whole orchestration of such an event...you guys are good!