About Me

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Attended Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas,Texas specializing in Children's Ministry. Moved to Iloilo City, Philippines in 2003 to serve with Camp Sonshine Philippines.Remained in the Philippines serving with Calvary International and the Sonshine Center in Iloilo City. Returned to Texas in Dec. 2007. Short term trip to Cape Town last July and now I am getting prepare to go and stay there for a year working with the Themabalitsha Foundation along with Go To Nations(formerly Calvary Internationl)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lighthouses and Baboons...

Last week, my good friend Tabitha and I traveled to the Cape of Good Hope. It was very windy and raining! But needless to say the baboons were not letting the rain keep them away. It is quite an experience to see them actually climb up onto the car behind us and just chill! The lighthouse would have been more majestic if it wouldn't have been so windy!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Road trip to Cape Columbine

Last week we traveled to one of the oldest lighthouses in South Africa, Cape Columbine. 8 children, 2 staff and 2 volunteers...we drove for 2 hours! Why...well 2 amazing men Willie and Marius, who are professional cyclers are traveling around the West Coast of South Africa to raise money for Graceland(the pre-school I am volunteering at). What amazing men! We had such a great time hearing how their next phase of their trip will go. The children were able to go up the 96 steps(one way) to the top of the lighthouse! They were so excited that they were able to see these amazing men and the lighthouse! Thank you, Willie & Marius for your love of the children!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Active Compassion Transforms

Visit this website where you can get an inside look at what is going on in the organization I am volunteering with on the South Africa side!http://vimeo.com/12683477

Monday, October 4, 2010

New hope with A.C.T.

Today, I began volunteering in another Thembalitsha project, School of Hope. They are a high school that 'provides hope through education to young people whose education has been compromised." I am helping with a program that is 3 years running here for the 12th grade students. Active Compassion Transforms was started by Erica Lee from New York, who in a visit to Cape Town saw the need for mentors for the students at School of Hope. So, I am here now to help the students with their correspondence to their mentors in New York, arrange for visas/passports and loads of other admin. I have to say that it has been a rewarding first day with students that are eager to do their best to earn a free trip to the Big Apple. I am going home today with a renewed purpose.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Many thanks...

Twice a week, I travel to a small Christian preschool, Graceland, nestled in the Winelands of the Devon Valley. The parents of the students work on the surrounding vineyards. Here these children get more than just an introduction to school, but lots of love and care. Through generous donations to the school by surrounding businesses, they are able to provide the kids with a hearty breakfast and as pictured here, a nutritious snack. I helped to get this snack together and if you could have seen the eyes of the children when they saw it... they all had huge smiles and were in awe of the muffin, apple and strawberry. Thank you to everyone who continues to pray and give generously for me to be here and share the Love of Jesus with these kids.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mmm good..

Some good friends invited us over for dinner last week for potjie(pronounced poykie). I wasn't quite sure what it was but it turned out to be a delciou and flavorful stew that has to be slow cooked in a cast iron pot over a fire for hours. It consisted of lamb, water lilies, potatoes mushrooms and the key ingredient...cooking wine. It was quite interestting and now a favorite. 
Potjie(poykie) pot

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New shoes...

It is amazing what a small gift of just a simple pair of shoes can do. I see this precious little girl here in the picture, Jaileen, at the preschool that I am volunteering at. She always has a smile and a hug for me. As many of the kids there have needs such as new shoes or coats, I really noticed Jaileen's shoes. Too small and falling apart all I knew was that Auntie Ang was going to find her a good pair of shoes. So, after having to excjange the size 3 times(Jaileen's feet are bigger than I thought!) finally she go to try them on. And her reaction...the biggest and cutest smile! She has won my heart as many of the children at Graceland have. In fact I will be putting together a blog just for the school! Thank you to my faithful and generous supporters, friends & family that make this all possible!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hurry up to wait...

Yesterday, I left  home early to battle the  crazy morning traffic into the heart of Cape Town. My prayers were that I would arrive at the Home Affairs(immigration) office to get that much needed stamp in my passport for the volunteer visa that I had applied for. So, patiently, I sat in line and waited and waited.... 2 hours later I am so close to getting my turn and then the man that would have helped me...disappeared. Ok, so maybe he was having a coffe break. That's ok. 20...30...45 minutes go by and no sign of him. After inquiring about him, we were assured he would be back. But he never came back. By now there are many unhappy people grumbling and getting impatient. Long story short...one woman came to help us and as soon as she walked out...everyone swarmed the counter! So, the line was irrelevant now. She got frustrated and left. I decided that I should just leave after 4 hours. (Sigh) It was frustrating but then again its never easy when God is trying to teach you patience. After I had time to calm down, it made me chuckle and shake my head...or as some of my friends here have told me TIA (this is Africa).

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just a hug...

I got a glimpse today into one of the lives of the children at Thembacare where I volunteer 3 days a week. All seems quiet until the older children come back from pre-school. When they arrive it is a whirlwind of excitement. There are 6 children that are older (ages 3-8) that are in constant struggle for the best toy or book. As I watch them play there is one boy that seems to always be a little too excited. He runs around in a flurry taking toys and bringing tears. While it usually frustrates me because he doesn’t seem to listen…today was different. After loosing in an argument for control of a toy, he gives up defeated. He comes and stands in front of me. As I look into his big brown eyes, I see more than sadness over the toy. I see a deep sadness and a little boy that has suffered and endured more than he should have to in his 4 years. After arriving at Thembacare, his mother died. He is awaiting a foster home that can give him the love and care he deserves.
So, I pick him up and just hold him. He immediately clings to me with all he has. As if I was his only lifeline. That is when the Lord allowed me to see this precious boy with His eyes. I hold him and can just feel the desperation coming from him. He holds on for at least 30 minutes. I pray peace over his spirit, which seems to live in torment. All I can do is hold on to him and pray that when I let go and those dark moments come, that Jesus would be there to hold him.
It is even a reminder to me that in those hard moments of life and it seems like the darkness won’t end, that is when Jesus is holding me in His arms.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

A spirit of chaos

Now that the World Cup is over and it seems as things are getting back to normal here is Cape Town and the surrounding cities. The kids had a long holiday and teachers had a much needed rest. The new stadium in Cape Town was erected especially for the World Cup festivities and in hopes that it would add some revenue back to the city. Sadly, it has created more debt for the government. The economy has taken a down turn and caused much unrest in those who work in a government run organization. It has been 6 days now that the teachers union has been on strike. They are demanding a pay raise and housing allowance. With that comes the real dilemma, no teachers=no classes. The government has replied with certain negotiations but have not been able to make peace with the teachers.
It seems a spirit of chaos and unrest has been trying to make its home here in South Africa. The hospitals that are ran by the government are also on strike. They have had to call in military aid to help in the hospitals. They are only taking those that have an urgent need. It saddens my heart to see that when the people make a decision like this it literally affects the entire country.
Please be in prayer that there would come a compromise between the government and the people. Lord, you are KING and LORD over South Africa. Give your people direction and bring a solution to this chaos.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Its Winter!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

This week at the pre-school I am volunteering at, the theme was winter(or vinterrr). It was difficult to come up with activities to relate to winter without talking about Christmas. The children enjoyed several days of games and fun crafts. I made a slideshow to actually show them what winter looks like in other countries. Their faces were priceless as the saw each picture and wondered what it would really be like to live in such a place. They made probably the only snowman that they will ever make with cotton balls. Today we ended the winter theme with a good cup of milo(similar to hot cocoa). I am having the time of my life as each precious child grabs a little more of my heart. Their smiles make my day and I look forward to seeing them even when I am away.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grace at Graceland

These boys are too cool for their own good...or so they think. They are part of Graceland, a small Christian preschool that I am volunteering at. They are full of energy and joy! Every time I see them they are trying to teach me Afrikaans. Needless to say they are learning better than me. The children at Graceland live a simple life in a beautiful valley surrounded by vineyards and orchards. Some have quite sad stories, but they are continually full of laughter and smiles. It is an amazing expereince to work with these precious little ones.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just this past week...

Last Wednesday, I traveled outside of the city to the beautiful wine country. I arrive at a small preschool tucked away in a peaceful valley. The children are precious and anxious to show me what they are doing for the day. I am struggling some with the language barrier. But nonetheless, they have my full attention. The stories of their home life threatens to bring me down but I am reminded about the amazing teaches who pray over the children and do their best to show the love of Christ. Thank you to these hard working ladies who give selflessly!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Many days it seems difficult to see all of the hurting and troubles lives. Even with the children that I see each 

week. Many of their stories about their lives are so sad and I wonder what will become of them. But I am encouraged by this 

scripture. It reminds me that the Lord dose have plans for their precious lives i may not see the results of the love that has 

been poured out upon them daily but the Lord does have great plans for their lives! Thank you Lord for the hope that You 

give us daily! 

1 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. [b]
Jeremiah 29:11-14

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Represent, represent U.S.A

With great excitement and hopes that our boys would bring it on home, I tuned in last night to the U.S. versus England. Way to go boys! Keep up the spirit of the red, white and blue!

World Cup Madness

If anyone has been following the World Cup games, you have probably seen that there is quite a bit of excitement here in South Africa. The South Africans are proud of their team and country. I don't know that much about soccer but have tried to have an upbeat attitude about it. On opening day(Friday) my housemate, Tiffaney and I decided to join a group from church and venture down to an area that they call the Waterfront. We parked and walked and walked with a large crowd of people to get to the big TV screens that were everywhere. There were hundreds of people with painted faces and jersey's representing their home country. There was literally no space to even walk. People were yelling and blowing their vuvizellas(a big horn) and cheering in anticipation of the game. Much to our dismay, there wasn't a space to even rest our weary feet and watch the game too. So we trekked back to the car and went to a friend's house to watch the game. Of course it was a tie and Mexico and South Africa showed their skills! Wow, it is constant excitement everyday here!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Living in the good times...

While on the short term part of the trip with my team mates from Mid Cities, we encountered a minor setback to our accommodations. Having no electricity made us so thankful for the modern conveniences that we left behind. We had breakfast and dinner by gaslight...and even found ourselves going to bed at an unusually early time because the sun went down so early! It almost began to feel like a natural thing to wake up to using the flashlight or feeling our way around. It definitely built some team comaradarie between us. We also carried on the tradition of peanut butter and jelly sandwiched for our lunch everyday. We almost got used to using the gas light for everything..

Precious ones...

It has only been 2 days since I have began working with the precious babies at Thembacare-Athlone. Already there are quite a few concerns about the health of several of the babies. They have quite a full house. There are 18 beds total and 16 are being used. With a heavy heart I am sharing with you of the burden that I feel for these precious ones. They are ages 4 months to 5 years old. I have realized that I can be there to hold them in hopes that the physical touch will be one thing that brings their health around. Ultimately, the prayers of those if you who share in the burden for this lost generation, that will make the most difference. I must remember that just as my heart breaks for them, even so my Heavenly Fathers heart must be filled with sadness. I stand only as a vessel to be used by the Lord to touch these lives and bring a hope where none remains.Thank you for your continued prayer.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More precious than words...

A friend told me about a conversation that he had with his four year old son. The son asked if 'Ms. Angie' needed money to go to Africa. After answering,'Of course she does. We use the money God gives us to do his work." The reply of the son is so precious to me. HE said well I have lots of money. He grabbed his piggy bank and wanted to give all his money to go to Africa! What an amazing little guy he is already. The hearts of the little ones are sometimes more in tune with the Lord than us adults. Thank you to my dear sweet friend,Jude, for already staking a claim to the nations,even before he can go see it for himself.

Friday, May 7, 2010


It is a bittersweet time for me right now. As the anticipation of what the Lord is going to do through the South Africa Team grows...I am able to squeeze as much time as I can into seeing family and dear friends. And still trying to figure out how to pack for a year. Being the fact that I have only been in Cape Town for 10 days last year..and it was winter...Praise God for amazing mothers and sisters who can help me figure it out.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Thanks to all of my family and friends who totally set me up for an amazing surprise party this past Friday night! I felt so much love and support it was overwhelming! The whole orchestration of such an event...you guys are good!

Friday, April 30, 2010

13 days...

I am in the process of going through clothes and all I have accumulated...wow. It interesting how everytime that I come back home to Texas or get ready to go to the next place that God is sending me, I am constantly having to decide what I need and want to keep. Knowing that I will not be able to take most of it with me I am ok with. In a way I think that it helps me process and begin mentally getting ready to go.
How time has flown by! Everyday I see little ways and huge mountains that God has moved.
What an amazing God that I serve!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blessed to be a Blessing

I am humbled and amazed at the shower of love and prayers that I have been receiving as I prepare to leave. My heart is overflowing with love and thanks to my dear family and friends who bless in me in so many ways on a daily basis. My prayer for all of you is in this scripture.

Ezekiel 34:26 (Amplified Bible)

26And I will make them and the places round about My hill a blessing, and I will cause the showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing [of good insured by God's favor].

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

30 days of Prayer

30 days from today, I will be loading up my luggage(i.e., my life and yes I am only taking 2 suitcases!) kissing family and friends and boarding the plane for this next step of my life. I am expectant about what God is going do do through the team from Mid-Cities that I will be traveling with. I am looking for faithful people who will partner with me to pray for the next 30 days. I know that my God has equipped me for such a time as this. While I can see now with my eyes at what is to come, may I be fitted properly with the eyes of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So that I may truly see those that are hurting and downcast as my Lord sees them, precious and treasured. 

2 Corinthians 8:7 But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us—see that you abound in this grace also.

Friday, April 9, 2010

'I'm leavin' on a jet plane..'

Well after a few hours on the phone with the airline...my precious sister booked my ticket(one-way!) to the beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. So I can say that time has flown by and I am looking back wondering where in the world this past year has gone! Everyday God amazes me with His love and continues to show me how precious this life is. I spent some time last night with my grandpa(Papaw, to those who know him well). It was such a joy to just talk to him about his day. Thank you Lord, for opportunities to enjoy friends and family!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

'every season under heaven..' Ecclesiastes 3:1

As I look back at the years of following the Lord, I can see a distinct pattern. Not one that I have designed or created of course. Each year passing has left a detailed mark in my heart and in the lives of those that I have been able to touch with love of Jesus. What an intricate and detailed Lord that I love and serve!
He has placed people in my life at different seasons of my life that have left a mark for the glory of God.

Time draws closer every day to the day that I will once again embark on the next journey that the Lord has for me. I am overwhelmed at the prayers and support of my family and friends.
Thank you to those of you who have been holding me up when I have grown weary.
In every season of this life, I know that I can lean,depend and count on the faithfulness of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.