About Me

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Attended Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas,Texas specializing in Children's Ministry. Moved to Iloilo City, Philippines in 2003 to serve with Camp Sonshine Philippines.Remained in the Philippines serving with Calvary International and the Sonshine Center in Iloilo City. Returned to Texas in Dec. 2007. Short term trip to Cape Town last July and now I am getting prepare to go and stay there for a year working with the Themabalitsha Foundation along with Go To Nations(formerly Calvary Internationl)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Many thanks...

Twice a week, I travel to a small Christian preschool, Graceland, nestled in the Winelands of the Devon Valley. The parents of the students work on the surrounding vineyards. Here these children get more than just an introduction to school, but lots of love and care. Through generous donations to the school by surrounding businesses, they are able to provide the kids with a hearty breakfast and as pictured here, a nutritious snack. I helped to get this snack together and if you could have seen the eyes of the children when they saw it... they all had huge smiles and were in awe of the muffin, apple and strawberry. Thank you to everyone who continues to pray and give generously for me to be here and share the Love of Jesus with these kids.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mmm good..

Some good friends invited us over for dinner last week for potjie(pronounced poykie). I wasn't quite sure what it was but it turned out to be a delciou and flavorful stew that has to be slow cooked in a cast iron pot over a fire for hours. It consisted of lamb, water lilies, potatoes mushrooms and the key ingredient...cooking wine. It was quite interestting and now a favorite. 
Potjie(poykie) pot

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New shoes...

It is amazing what a small gift of just a simple pair of shoes can do. I see this precious little girl here in the picture, Jaileen, at the preschool that I am volunteering at. She always has a smile and a hug for me. As many of the kids there have needs such as new shoes or coats, I really noticed Jaileen's shoes. Too small and falling apart all I knew was that Auntie Ang was going to find her a good pair of shoes. So, after having to excjange the size 3 times(Jaileen's feet are bigger than I thought!) finally she go to try them on. And her reaction...the biggest and cutest smile! She has won my heart as many of the children at Graceland have. In fact I will be putting together a blog just for the school! Thank you to my faithful and generous supporters, friends & family that make this all possible!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hurry up to wait...

Yesterday, I left  home early to battle the  crazy morning traffic into the heart of Cape Town. My prayers were that I would arrive at the Home Affairs(immigration) office to get that much needed stamp in my passport for the volunteer visa that I had applied for. So, patiently, I sat in line and waited and waited.... 2 hours later I am so close to getting my turn and then the man that would have helped me...disappeared. Ok, so maybe he was having a coffe break. That's ok. 20...30...45 minutes go by and no sign of him. After inquiring about him, we were assured he would be back. But he never came back. By now there are many unhappy people grumbling and getting impatient. Long story short...one woman came to help us and as soon as she walked out...everyone swarmed the counter! So, the line was irrelevant now. She got frustrated and left. I decided that I should just leave after 4 hours. (Sigh) It was frustrating but then again its never easy when God is trying to teach you patience. After I had time to calm down, it made me chuckle and shake my head...or as some of my friends here have told me TIA (this is Africa).

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just a hug...

I got a glimpse today into one of the lives of the children at Thembacare where I volunteer 3 days a week. All seems quiet until the older children come back from pre-school. When they arrive it is a whirlwind of excitement. There are 6 children that are older (ages 3-8) that are in constant struggle for the best toy or book. As I watch them play there is one boy that seems to always be a little too excited. He runs around in a flurry taking toys and bringing tears. While it usually frustrates me because he doesn’t seem to listen…today was different. After loosing in an argument for control of a toy, he gives up defeated. He comes and stands in front of me. As I look into his big brown eyes, I see more than sadness over the toy. I see a deep sadness and a little boy that has suffered and endured more than he should have to in his 4 years. After arriving at Thembacare, his mother died. He is awaiting a foster home that can give him the love and care he deserves.
So, I pick him up and just hold him. He immediately clings to me with all he has. As if I was his only lifeline. That is when the Lord allowed me to see this precious boy with His eyes. I hold him and can just feel the desperation coming from him. He holds on for at least 30 minutes. I pray peace over his spirit, which seems to live in torment. All I can do is hold on to him and pray that when I let go and those dark moments come, that Jesus would be there to hold him.
It is even a reminder to me that in those hard moments of life and it seems like the darkness won’t end, that is when Jesus is holding me in His arms.